Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from PTS

    2. Before You Start - Important Information

    3. Welcome from Your Facilitator - Marjorie Eaton

    4. Calling in the Light

    5. Overview of the Traveler

    6. Introduction to the Confidentiality Agreement

    7. Confidentiality Agreement

    8. Course Format

    9. Ground Rules & Guidelines

    10. Your Traveler Journal

    1. Your Materials for the Class

    2. The Path to Mastership by John-Roger, DSS

    3. Class Requirements and Class Guidelines

    4. Guidance for Research and Research Papers

    5. List of Useful Source Materials

    6. Learning Sheet and Project Examples

    7. Final Presentation Guidelines

    8. Useful MSIA Materials

    9. Traveler List with Biographical Sketches

    10. Quotes from the Travelers

    1. Call in the Light

    2. Introduction to Week 1

    3. Read: Overview of the Traveler

    4. Q&A about the Traveler with John-Roger

    5. Choosing Your Traveler/How to Choose a Traveler

    6. Introduction to Choosing Your Traveler Process

    7. Selection of the Travelers Meditation

    8. Introduction to Traveler List with Biographical Sketches

    9. Traveler List with Biographical Sketches

    10. Traveler Research and Guidelines

    11. "To Him That Was Crucified" by Walt Whitman

    12. Some Common Experiences Along the Way

    13. Awareness Questions - Choosing Your Traveler

    14. John Morton Blessing for Traveler Through the Ages

    15. The Traveler Brings Freedom Through the Ages Lecturette with Marjorie

    16. For Next Week...

    1. Call in the Light

    2. Introduction to Recognizing the Traveler

    3. Importance of Keeping Confidentiality

    4. The Traveler Project

    5. Final Project Examples

    6. Twelve Signs of the Traveler by John-Roger

    7. Awareness Questions - Twelve Signs of the Traveler

    8. For Next Week...

    1. Call in the Light

    2. Introduction to A Walk with the Traveler

    3. A Walk with the Traveler by John-Roger

    4. Journal Writing - Your Experience of A Walk with the Traveler

    5. Awareness Questions - The Path to Mastership

    6. Preparing the Consciousness Meditation

    7. Awareness Questions - The Traveler's Message

    8. For Next Week...

    1. Call in the Light

    2. Introduction to Anchoring the Essence of the Traveler You Have Chosen

    3. Instructions - Anchoring the Essence of the Traveler You Have Chosen

    4. A Walk with the Traveler by John-Roger #7437

    5. Awareness Questions - Anchoring the Essence of the Traveler

    6. TTA Graduate Presentation - Pauli Sanderson

    7. For Next Week...

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 100 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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