Is it time for you to claim the Christ within you?

The Cosmic Christ is within all and is a universal consciousness of unconditional loving that transcends cultures, religions, philosophies, persons, and time.

In this course, we will be exploring the Christ — the one that is immediately available to us, as us, right now. The disciples of Jesus are the foundation upon which the consciousness of Christ is built. So, together, let's step into a year of walking in their footsteps and let them be our guide to the Christ within us.

Course curriculum

    1. Doubting the Ever-Present Christ, a Seminar by John-Roger, DSS

    2. Freeing the Fascia and Finding Harmony E-Book

    1. The Cosmic Christ: That Which Brings Love to Heal all Wounds

    2. Introducing Joanne Avison and the Magnificence of Fascia

    3. Expanding Awareness of Fascia in the Body

    4. The Embryo: Its Scientific and Holistic Meanings

    5. Unconditional Loving - Meditation & Exercise

    6. Differentiation and Adaptability

    7. Introduction to the 12 Stages of Consciousness

    8. First Disciple: Peter

    9. Can We Get Intelligence from the Heart? by John-Roger

    10. Fascia Sequence with Joanne Avison

    11. Breathing Meditation by John-Roger

    12. Meridians and Chinese Medicine with Mark Holmes

    13. From Feminine and Masculine Polarities to Oneness

    14. The Seven Window Exercise

    15. Being the Christ Exercise

    16. Entering Into God Consciousness by John-Roger

    17. Tips & Quotes

    1. Breathing & Peace - Letting Love Lead

    2. Second Disciple: Andrew

    3. Humbleness, Humility and Strengh

    4. Dis-eases: Blockage or Energy or Misutilization of Energy

    5. Compilation of Excerpts by John-Roger and John Morton

    6. "Fascia Freeing" by Joanne Avison

    7. Breathing Mediation & The Heartfelt Meditation by John-Roger, DSS

    8. We Live and Die at the Cell Level

    9. Movement and Sound

    10. Unconditional Loving is Our Super-Power

    11. The Seven Window Attunement

    12. Christ Consciousness and the Process of Now

    13. Awakening to the Christ that You Are

    14. A Silent Meditation

    15. The Action of The Christ, a Seminar by John-Roger, DSS

    1. Welcome and Meditation Session

    2. Living the Christ Consciousness - Excerpts by John-Roger, DSS

    3. When and How Are You Self-Sacrificing?

    4. Third Disciple: James

    5. Fascia Sequence Part 1 with Joanne Avision

    6. The Master Key - Divine Love by John-Roger, DSS

    7. Fascia Sequence Part 2

    8. Spiritual Exercises & Meditation Session

    9. Being Health by Mark Holmes

    10. How Do You Experience Yourself as the Christ?

    11. What is the Problem?

    12. Sharings with John-Roger, DSS

    1. Welcome & Meditation Session

    2. Demonstrating Living Love

    3. Introduction and Music Meditation with Mark Holmes

    4. Body Movements for Opening the Heart Center

    5. Christ Consciousness: Fulfillment and Contentment

    6. Christ is Forgiveness by John-Roger, DSS

    7. How to Let Go of Tension and Moving into the Christ Now

    8. Christ, Love and Awareness with Mark Holmes

    9. The Elastic Breath

    10. Healthy Movements to Support Our Bodies

    11. Introduction to the Seven Windows Exercise

    12. Seven Windows Exercise

    13. Looking Through the Eyes of Christ

    14. Patience - A Big Key in Going Inward to God by John-Roger, DSS

About this course

  • 12 x $20.00
  • 205 lessons
  • 111.5 hours of video content

Join us for a magical journey of discovery into who we truly are