Course curriculum

    1. Introduction & Spiritual Excercises

    2. Class Materials and Resources

    1. The Sound Current of God by John-Roger, DSS [Video]

    2. Spiritual Realms Excerpt and The Never-Ending Journey of Your Soul Meditation

    3. The Sound Current of All Creation by John-Roger, DSS

    4. Chart of the Realms

    5. Sound Current Playbook

    6. Additional Recommended Resources

    1. How Do You Experience the Sound Current? - Introduction

    2. Reflection Time - How Do You Experience the Sound Current?

    3. John-Roger on The Light and the Sound and Love

    4. The Sound Current in Your Wildest Imagination (Meditation)

    5. Introducing our Beloved John Morton

    6. How to Work with the Mind with John Morton

    7. Healing in the Sound Current with John Morton

    8. Flowing in the Current of Your Life with John Morton

    9. The Sound Current in the Levels Above Soul with John Morton

    10. Moving with the Sound Current with John Morton

    1. Keys and Blocks to Soul Transcendence - Excerpts by John-Roger, DSS

    2. Journey of Soul Transcendence Excerpts

    3. The Realms by Pauli Sanderson

    4. Spiritual Realms Excerpt and The Never-Ending Journey of Your Soul Meditation

    5. Reflection Time - The Never Ending Journey, Riding the Sound Current Home to God

    6. Calling on the Light of the Travelers with John Morton

    7. Introduction to a Sound Current Initiate with Paul Kaye and Leigh Taylor-Young Morton

    8. Interview with Ishwar Puri

    1. Listening to the Sound Current of God

    2. Journal Writing Exercise - Honesty, Integrity and Expression

    3. Letting Go Into the Sound Current

    4. Practicing the Divine Presence

    5. John-Roger, DSS Excerpt

    6. Light Body by Pauli Sanderson

    7. Pauli calls in the Light and Introduces John Morton

    8. Learning Through the Information with John Morton

    9. Cooperating with the Flow with John Morton

    10. Embracing Freedom Always with John Morton

    11. Attaching to the One Who Has the Keys with John Morton

    12. Initiation in the Sound Current with John Morton

    13. Staying Open to the One Who Is with You Always with John Morton

    1. Out of the Silence by John-Roger

    2. The Energy of Silence - Meditation and Journal Writing Exercise

    3. Karma Is the Law of Action with John Morton

    4. If You Want to Be Happy with John Morton

    5. You Are an Instrument with John Morton

    6. Harmonics of the Sound with John Morton

    7. Closing Blessing by John Morton

    8. Closing John-Roger Excerpt

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

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